How to Style My Hair Like an Anime Character

How to Style My Hair Like an Anime Character

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Anime is a pop animation and drawing style that originated in Nihon. Drawing anime characters can seem overwhelming, especially when you're looking at your favorite anime that was drawn by professionals. Fortunately, anyone can learn how to draw anime characters, and the process is adequately simple if you break it downwardly into small steps.


  1. 1

    Depict an oval and divide it into 4 sections. This volition be the basic outline of your anime character's caput. The proportions don't take to be exact, just make the oval narrower at the bottom since that will be the chin. Once you've fatigued the oval, draw a horizontal line through the center of it. Then, depict a vertical line through the center of it that intersects with the horizontal line. Later, you'll employ these lines as guides to draw the facial features. [1]

    • If you want your grapheme to accept a wider face, widen the bottom of the oval so information technology's but slightly narrower than the acme. Or, if you want your character to have a slender face, brand the lesser of the oval even narrower than the top. There'southward no single head shape used for all anime characters, so you can experiment until you discover one you similar.
  2. 2

    Draw the eyes underneath the horizontal line. Anime eyes are big and exaggerated, and they usually take up about 1/4 to 1/5 of the tiptop of the face up. To draw i, start by drawing a thick upper lash line only underneath the horizontal line you drew and on one side of the vertical line. Then, draw a semicircle coming downward off the upper lash line, and describe a blackness pupil in the centre of it. Next, draw a narrow, horizontal line underneath the circumvolve for the lower lash line. Finally, shade in the circle effectually the pupil, leaving some white space so information technology looks similar light is reflecting off of your character's eyes.Do the aforementioned thing on the other side of the vertical line to make the other centre. [2]

    Tip: Adjust the shape and size of the optics depending on whether you're drawing a masculine or feminine anime character. For a feminine grapheme, brand the eyes taller and rounder, and add a few thick eyelashes coming off the upper lash line. For a masculine character, make the optics shorter and smaller.


  3. iii

    Sketch the eyebrows to a higher place the horizontal line. Describe a long, downward curving line for each eyebrow. Make them slightly longer than the upper lash line you drew for the eyes. Then, thicken the ends of the brows that are at the centre of the face. [3]

    • If you're drawing a feminine anime character, make the eyebrows fairly thin. For a masculine character, thicken the eyebrows so they're more than prominent on the face.
  4. 4

    Add the nose halfway between the horizontal line and the chin. Anime noses are subtle, and they're unremarkably merely divers when you're looking at a character from the side. To draw your character'southward nose, draw a short, simple vertical line forth the heart of the face at the halfway point between the horizontal line and the chin. Make the line longer if y'all want your character'due south nose to be big. [4]

    • Brand the olfactory organ the smallest characteristic on your character's face.
    • The olfactory organ volition overlap with the vertical line you drew. To run into information technology better, brand it darker than the vertical line, or erase the vertical line effectually the nose.
    • Masculine anime characters sometimes take noses that are more pronounced, but that'south not always the case. If y'all desire your character'south olfactory organ to be more noticeable, draw a brusque horizontal line under the vertical line to represent the bottom of your character's nose. Too, draw a triangle-shaped shadow on the side of the olfactory organ and so it looks like the light is hitting your character from the side.
    • For sure styles of anime, like chibi, you lot don't even need to draw a olfactory organ at all!
  5. 5

    Draw the mouth about halfway between the nose and mentum. Similar to anime noses, anime mouths are simple and subtle. To describe your graphic symbol's mouth, draw a horizontal line that's about equally long as the infinite between their eyes. Don't worry about drawing lips. Make the oral cavity the second smallest feature on your grapheme'south face, after the nose. [5]

    • Bend the line upward if you want your grapheme to exist smiling or downward if y'all want them to be upset.
    • If you want your character to exist smile and showing their teeth, draw an upward curving line underneath the horizontal line you drew for their mouth. The white space between the curved line and the horizontal line should be about half as tall as the rima oris is long. That space volition be your grapheme's teeth.
  6. 6

    Add the ears to the side of the head. If you want your character to have long pilus that'southward covering their ears, skip drawing the ears. Nevertheless, if your grapheme's pilus is going to be short, draw a narrow oval on each side of the head. Have the top of the ears line up with the horizontal line running through the center of the face, and have the bottoms line up with the bottom of the nose. Then, draw the flaps of the ear inside each oval. [6]

    • Experiment with the size of your character's ears if yous desire them to be bigger or smaller.
  7. seven

    Describe the hair on your graphic symbol'southward head. The hairstyle you choose for your character is up to you, but more often than not, anime hair features pointed ends and singled-out sections. You can draw a curt, buzzed hairstyle, a medium-length style, or long, flowy hair. Whichever hairstyle you choose, avoid drawing individual strands of pilus. Instead, draw big sections of hair, similar 4 or 5 spikes at the ends. [7]

    • If your grapheme has long hair, you could draw 2 pigtails, one at each side of the head, with spiked ends. Or, you could draw their hair pulled upwards with a circular bun at the height. Alternatively, you could requite your character bangs by drawing 3 or 4 distinct sections of pilus coming down over their forehead.
    • For a shorter hairstyle, yous could draw 3 or four distinct sections of hair swooping to the side over your graphic symbol's forehead. Or, you could draw a hairstyle without any bangs and draw a few lines running from their hairline to the back of their caput so it looks similar their pilus is combed back. Alternatively, y'all could depict a chin-length bob that's divided into several thick sections.
  8. 8

    Erase the horizontal and vertical guidelines you drew. Erase them carefully and so yous don't remove any of the facial features by mistake. Utilize a small eraser so you're less probable to make mistakes.

    • Once yous erase both lines, your character'due south head and confront are finished!


  1. i

    Draw a stick-figure outline of your character'due south body. Use direct lines for the arms, torso, and legs. Brand the artillery and torso similar in length, and brand the legs about 1/iii longer. Then, depict triangles or ovals for the hands and feet. Make the hands about 1/5 the length of the arm, and brand the anxiety almost ane/6 the length of the legs. [8]

    • To get the proportions right, brand your stick-figure outline about vii times as tall as your character's head.
    • Have the arm lines start about i/5 of the fashion downward the line y'all draw for the torso.
    • Have the stick-figure outline of your character capture whatsoever pose you want them to be in. For example, if you want your character to exist sitting, draw their legs and then they're bent. Or, if you want your grapheme to be waving, depict ane of their artillery so it's aptitude.
  2. 2

    Outline the general shapes of your character's body . Cartoon over the stick-effigy outline you made, sketch a rough outline of your character's torso, arms, hips, and legs. Don't worry about making the outline precise yet. At this point, you just desire to represent the different parts of the body with basic shapes.

    • Draw ovals for the upper and lower artillery and legs, and then describe a circle at each joint for the knees and elbows. Proportionally, make your character'south upper and lower artillery the same length and size. Make their upper legs thicker than their lower legs.
    • For the trunk, draw a quadrilateral (a 4-sided shape) that'south wider at the superlative and narrower at the bottom. Eventually, the broad corners at the top will become your character's shoulders.
    • To outline the hips, draw an oval over the point where the body and upper legs encounter.
    • Anime characters tend to be alpine and thin, but you tin can experiment with different heights and body shapes!
  3. 3

    Connect and refine the general shapes you lot drew. Trace around the outer edges of your graphic symbol'southward body so you lot have 1 seamless outline. At this indicate, first refining the different parts of the trunk so they look more realistic, like your character's hands, shoulders, hips, and neck. When you lot're finished, you'll have a full, detailed outline of your character'south body around the more than abstract outlines you drew earlier. [9]

    • To connect and refine the legs, draw around the outer edges of each shape that makes upwardly the legs (the ovals for the upper and lower legs, the circles for the knees, and the shapes you drew for the feet) so you lot take one seamless outline of each leg. Brand the outline smoothen (without any gaps) then the legs look realistic.
    • For the upper body, you'd exercise the same with the arms and torso. Round out the corners of the torso for the shoulders, and depict 2 lines curving upward abroad from the heart of the body for the cervix. Also, connect the shape you drew for the hips to the torso and the upper legs.

    Tip: If you're cartoon a masculine anime grapheme, broaden the chest, waist, and shoulders. If you're cartoon a female person anime graphic symbol, narrow the shoulders, make the hips wider, and outline the breasts. As well, take the waist in so it's narrower.

  4. 4

    Erase the stick-figure outline and shapes you drew. Be careful erasing then you don't accidentally remove any of the refined, final outlines that you lot drew. When you're finished, you should be left with a neat, seamless outline of your graphic symbol'due south body without any of the original guidelines you drew within of it. [10]

  5. five

    Add your anime character'southward clothes . Depict the clothes over the outline of your character's body. For instance, for your graphic symbol'south shirt, depict the sleeves over their artillery and the body of the shirt over their torso. And then, erase whatever lines that are inside of the clothes since those parts of your character's body are covered upward. For case, if your grapheme is wearing shorts, erase the outline of their upper legs that's inside of the shorts since you lot wouldn't be able to see that part of their legs. [11]

    • Equally you're drawing the clothes, remember about where they would naturally pucker and fold if someone were really wearing them. So, depict the creases and folds to make the clothes look more realistic. You can also look at images of apparel online to see how they crease.
    • Yous tin can choose whatsoever kind of outfit for your anime character. Some conventional anime outfits you might consider include school uniforms, formal dresses and suits, and traditional Japanese attire.


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  • Question

    How can I draw the hair so that it looks adept?

    Community Answer

    When cartoon pilus, call up that pilus doesn't e'er hug the skull. Try to brand it look fluffy by having it extend over the sides of the face. Also, don't attempt to draw every unmarried strand; bones outlines or "clumps" works meliorate. Lastly, consider making the hair appear more dynamic by drawing it bravado slightly to one side.

  • Question

    How do I get the arms/optics to wait symmetrical?

    Community Answer

    Draw them together, instead of finishing one side before moving to the other. Lightly sketch out all your shapes beginning to ensure symmetry before getting also far into pieces of your drawing.

  • Question

    How tin I improve my anime-drawing skills?

    Community Answer

    The all-time way to better is to keep practicing. You can spotter anime to get an idea of how anime characters look. Another way to improve is to draw with friends, and then they can give you new tips and techniques.

  • Question

    Can a kid depict anime?

    Community Answer

    Totally! It will take some time and a lot of practice to get adept, simply call up how swell you'll be by the time you're an adult if you start now!

  • Question

    What is a trick for drawing hands well?

    Community Answer

    The all-time trick for drawing hands well is to study your own hands showtime. Notice the shape, color, texture, angles, etc. Describe your hand in dozens of unlike positions and in different lighting. This isn't a shortcut, per se, only it'south an exercise that volition better your drawing.

  • Question

    How do I make an anime comic?

    Community Answer

    Come up with a story first. Then, you lot'll need the ability to draw out that story. If you need any more assistance, you lot tin can become to whatsoever book store and detect manga to give you a look on how a skillful story is written out. Or, infringe some manga from your library. Go along practicing, equally it tin have time to go all the pieces sorted.

  • Question

    How exercise I draw lines on clothes without making the character wait beaten?



    Community Answer

    Depict low-cal, curved lines almost places like the sleeves, the bottom of the shirt, and near the inside of the pant legs.

  • Question

    Would this look adept on lined paper?

    Community Answer

    Information technology probably won't await groovy because you don't desire anything else covering the cartoon, merely if it's the but paper you have, so use information technology.

  • Question

    How practise I know what hair goes with the torso?

    Community Answer

    You tin draw the pilus however you'd like to for your character. If you lot want to make it more realistic, mayhap add a few curls or stray hairs.

  • Question

    How would I get about purchasing top class drawing paper?

    Community Answer

    Check the grade you want to buy online or on in your favorite local fine art supply store'due south website. If y'all cannot find the grade, ask the retailer to supply it. If they cannot, and then try a different retailer who knows their paper grades.

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Article Summary Ten

Mod anime, or Japanese animation, originated in the 1950s and '60s, and has since get popular all over the world. There are many dissimilar anime styles. Nevertheless, when most people think of anime, they picture characters fatigued with youthful features and big eyes. To describe an anime caput and face in this style, start by sketching an oval shape that'southward widest on the meridian and narrower at the bottom. Split the face into quarters by drawing 1 vertical line downwardly the middle and one horizontal line halfway between the acme of the face and the mentum. Side by side, sketch in the eyes just below the horizontal line. Make the eyes large plenty and then that they take up virtually ¼ of the height of the face. Draw a thick, curved line for the upper lashes, and so draw in a semicircle under the lash line to correspond the iris. Add a pupil and shade in the iris around it, but go out a white space to represent low-cal reflecting off the eye. So, add together a thinner line under the iris for the lower lash line. Depict a pair of eyebrows just above the horizontal guideline. For female characters, make the brows fairly sparse, merely brand them heavier if you lot're drawing a male person character. Next, add together a new horizontal guideline about halfway between the beginning i and the lesser of the confront. Depict a small vertical curve right where the new horizontal guide crosses the vertical one to stand for the grapheme's olfactory organ. Noses on anime characters are usually very pocket-size, just y'all can experiment with making the nose bigger or giving information technology a more singled-out shape if you lot like. Another popular technique is to draw a pocket-sized triangle-shaped shadow on one side of the olfactory organ to requite it a more three-dimensional await. Now, add a third horizontal line halfway between the nose and the chin, and draw the rima oris on that line. The mouth can just be a simple horizontal line. Curve it either up or downwards, depending on what kind of expression you want your character to have. Finish up by drawing in the graphic symbol'southward hair. Continue it uncomplicated, and don't worry almost making individual strands. Instead, draw the pilus in sections, and add a few spikes at the cease to suggest strands. When you're done, erase the guidelines. If y'all want to draw a full figure with a body, showtime by creating a stick figure in the general pose you desire, and so sketch in the basic shapes of the head, trunk, and limbs. Anime characters tend to have more artless proportions than existent adults, and then aim to make your character about v to 7 heads tall instead of a more than realistic 7 to 8. Once you lot've drawn in the guidelines and basic shapes, connect them together with a seamless outline, and fill in details like your character's clothes. When you lot're done, erase the guidelines. To acquire how to draw your anime character's body, scroll downwardly!

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How to Style My Hair Like an Anime Character



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